The Payment Systems, Treasury & Banking Operations division consists of six departments.
Secretariat & Information Center
The Secretariat & Information Center department is responsible for adequate information management, providing access to information in a secure, efficient, and user-friendly manner by, for example, designing processes and procedures for relevant information management, and managing archives and the library in accordance with best practices as well as relevant legislation and regulations. In addition, it carries out all secretarial tasks and coordinates courier services.
Payment Systems
The Payment Systems department contributes through policy advice to a safe, reliable, and efficient payment system (cash and non-cash), including relevant laws & regulations, and carries out the oversight function of the CBA in the area of payment systems. In addition, it contributes to effective stakeholder management and information sharing with the public regarding (international) developments in the area of payments, and coordinates the ‘Foro di Pago Nacional’ (FdPN), with the added value of improving communication to stakeholders on the topic of payments.
Financial Reporting & Control
The Financial Reporting & Control department ensures appropriate financial administration and reporting in accordance with the relevant legal and regulatory framework, prepares and monitors the CBA budget and multi-year budget, and carries out specific financial analyses, including forecasting. In addition, it charges and collects supervision costs, administrative fines, and other sanctions. Furthermore, it executes payments (local and international) for the CBA and the Government of Aruba (GOA).
Facility Management
The Facility Management department takes care of the overall repair & maintenance (R&M) of the CBA buildings, premises, and other assets such as vehicles and office equipment, and management of office supplies, with the aim of providing a clean, healthy, and safe workplace for our staff and guests. In addition, it manages the building automation systems and equipment for facilities management, as well as relevant service contracts and procurement processes.
Cash Operations & Logistics
The Cash Operations & Logistics department manages the supply of florin banknotes and coins in circulation, while ensuring their optimal quality at all times, and that an adequate supply is available to meet demand. In addition, it advises on the design and production of banknotes, as well as commemorative coins, special edition circulation coins, other numismatic products, and relevant educational materials, including their sale and distribution. Furthermore, it takes into custody money and other valuable items, including those pertaining to the GOA, based on the relevant legislation.
Treasury, Financial Markets & Banking Operations
The Treasury, Financial Markets & Banking Operations department manages the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the CBA, closely monitors the liquidity position of the commercial banks denominated in foreign currency, and keeps track of asset managers' performance related to compliance with investment policies and guidelines of the CBA. In addition, it verifies and collects Exchange Rate Margin Compensation (ERMC) due by commercial banks, provides helpdesk services to the commercial banks related to I-Pago, monitores the Aruban florin liquidity position of the commercial banks as participants of I-Pago, and provides timely assistance to these banks related to Lending Facilities (LF). Furthermore, it advises the GOA on its debt management and strategy, and assists in the issuance of Government Bonds, Treasury Bills, and Cash Loans on the local capital market and collecting the Foreign Exchange Commission (FEC) on behalf of the GOA.
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