Discover new development opportunities


We offer our employees an engaging workplace, and invest in new opportunities for growing staff capability. We seek the right person for the right job by creating an optimum balance between the talents and competencies of the employee and the ambitions of our organization. Our learning and development vision consists of a holistic approach that includes different pathways such as on-the-job, informal and formal opportunities through courses, training, coaching, master classes, workshops, seminars, and (self)studies. We aim to build knowledge, strengthen skills, and increase agility and employability.

& Trainings


& Seminars


Academic Studies
& Doctoral Research


On-the-job Learning
& Coaching



Forward thinking. Growth mindset. Continuous improvement.


At the CBA, we focus on the mindsets, capabilities, and behaviors required to effectively and efficiently execute our tasks. We believe that professional development enables our employees to be knowledgeable and develop new perspectives and expertise within their field of work. 

We value our employees

Besides providing our employees with different development opportunities, we offer other benefits, such as a pension plan, a savings plan, and a health benefit plan that compliments the AZV health insurance.

We value our employees

Besides providing our employees with different development opportunities, we also offer other benefits, such as a pension plan, a savingsplan, and a health benefit plan, that compliments the AZV health insurance.

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